637 research outputs found

    OWL-S Atomic services composition with SWRL rules

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    This paper presents a method for encoding OWL-S atomic processes by means of SWRL rules and composing them using a backward search planning algorithm. A description of the preliminary prototype implementation and a grounding in BPEL are also presented

    Case-based recommender systems for personalized finance advisory

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    Wealth Management is a business model operated by banks and brokers, that offers a broad range of investment services to individual clients to help them reach their investment objectives. Wealth management services include investment advisory, subscription of mandates, sales of financial products, collection of investment orders by clients. Due to the complexity of the tasks, which largely require a deep knowledge of the financial domain, a trend in the area is the exploitation of recommendation technologies to support financial advisors and to improve the effectiveness of the process. The talk presents a framework to support financial advisors in the task of providing clients with personalized investment strategies. The methodology is based on the exploitation of case-based reasoning and the introduction of a diversification technique. A prototype of the framework has been used to generate personalized portfolios, and its performance, evaluated against 1,172 real users, shows that the yield obtained by recommended portfolios overcomes that of portfolios proposed by human advisors in most experimental settings

    Fairness and Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems: an Empirical Evaluation

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    In this paper, we present the results of an empirical evaluation investigating how recommendation algorithms are affected by popularity bias. Popularity bias makes more popular items to be recommended more frequently than less popular ones, thus it is one of the most relevant issues that limits the fairness of recommender systems. In particular, we define an experimental protocol based on two state-of-theart datasets containing users’ preferences on movies and books and three different recommendation paradigms, i.e., collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and graph-based algorithms. In order to evaluate the overall fairness of the recommendations we use well-known metrics such as Catalogue Coverage, Gini Index and Group Average Popularity (ΔGAP). The goal of this paper is: (i) to provide a clear picture of how recommendation techniques are affected by popularity bias; (ii) to trigger further research in the area aimed to introduce methods to mitigate or reduce biases in order to provide fairer recommendations


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    Não posso abordar o tema que me foi designado sem levar em consideração a realidade dramática que estamos vivendo no Brasil e que vem se precipitando nesses últimos meses. Parto dessa premissa, porque, se formos fieis ao espírito do legado deixado por Gramsci, a compreensão do seu pensamento ou dos seus conceitos não pode se limitar a análises técnicas e teóricas, mas, conforme ele apontou, precisa tornar-se uma “filologia vivente” (Q 11, §25, p. 1430) 1, ou seja, um estudo rigoroso do texto indissociavelmente vinculado às necessidades históricas e aos “problemas postos pela realidade, que são bem determinados e ‘originais’ na sua atualidade” (Q 11, §12, p. 1377). Procurarei, portanto, interpretar “práxis e formação humana” frente à crise que abala o Brasil e às lutas empreendidas pelos movimentos sociais e as organizações políticas populares contra a mais destruidora ofensiva desferida pela recrudescência do neoliberalismo


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    Ao comemorar o 1º ano de criação da IGS/Brasil, o tema desse seminário nos convoca a analisar as reflexões de Gramsci sobre a crise orgânica e a luta de classes, fundamentais para compreender melhor o que vem acontecendo atualmente no Brasil. A obra de Gramsci, de fato, apresenta um conjunto de preciosas anotações sobre a crise que originou o fascismo na Itália, sobre as razões da derrota do movimento revolucionário na Europa e sobre os caminhos a percorrer para construir a hegemonia das “classes subalternas”. Recebido em 18 de setembro de 2016Aprovado em 30 de setembro de 2016Editado em 15 de dezembro de 201


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    The popular struggles that have been unleashed in Brazil from the 1960s until today can becharacterized by two major paradigms: “liberation” and “hegemony”. “Liberation” was the dominanttheme throughout the 1960s and 1970s. “Hegemony” was the word of order throughout the 1980sand 1990s. The first, represented primarily by Paulo Freire, and the second, associated fundamentallywith Antonio Gramsci, became inseparably linked in the designing of an alternative project for society.This article presents a critical analysis of their meanings on the occasion of the 10th anniversary ofFreire’s death and the 70th since Gramsci’s passing. The following text, in addition to perusing themeanings, differences and interconnections between “liberation” and “hegemony” in their historicalcontext, presents a reinterpretation of the two paradigms in the face of the political and culturalchanges that are currently underway in Brazil and Latin America. Les luttes populaires qui ont eu lieu au Brésil depuis les années 1960 jusqu’à nos jours peuvent êtrecaractérisées au moyen de deux paradigmes: « libération » et « hégémonie ». La « libération » donnale ton des années 1960 et 1970. L’« hégémonie » fut le mot d’ordre au long des années 1980 et 1990.Le premier, réprésenté principalement par Paulo Freire, et le second, ayant chez Antonio Gramsci saréférence la plus importante, se sont croisés et sont devenus inséparables sur un dessin d’un projetalternatif de société. Cet article présente une analyse critique de leurs sens compte tenu des dix ansde la mort de Paulo Freire et des 70 ans de la mort de Gramsci. Parallèlement aux signifiés, le textequi suit aussi les différences et l’entrecroisement de « libération » et d’« hégémonie » dans leurcontexte hitorique et social, présente une réinterprétation des deux paradigmes face aux changementspolitiques et culturels actuellement en cours au Brésil et en Amérique Latine.As lutas populares que se desencadearam no Brasil desde os anos 1960 até hoje podem ser caracterizadaspor dois grandes paradigmas: “libertação” e “hegemonia”. A “libertação” foi a tônica predominante nosanos 1960 e 1970. A “hegemonia” tem sido a palavra de ordem ao longo dos anos 1980 e 1990. A primeira,representada particularmente por Paulo Freire, e a segunda, tendo em Antonio Gramsci sua referênciamaior, foram se entrelaçando e tornaram-se inseparáveis no desenho de um projeto alternativo de sociedade.Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma análise crítica de seus significados em decorrência dos dez anos damorte de Paulo Freire e dos 70 da morte de Gramsci. O texto que segue, além de percorrer os significados,as diferenças e o entrelaçamento de “libertação” e “hegemonia” em seu contexto histórico e social, apresentauma reinterpretação dos dois paradigmas ante as mudanças políticas e culturais atualmente em cursono Brasil e na América Latina


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    No texto a seguir apresenta-se a radiografia do golpe de 2016 no Brasil, mostrando que seu desfecho foi o resultado de um conjunto de atores e fatores nacionais e internacionais para barrar o processo de democratização e os avanços sociais ocorridos no Brasil na última década. A situação do Brasil é contextualizada no quadro da América Latina, também alvejada nos seus projetos de autonomia e soberania pela crise estrutural docapital, estourada nos países centrais e arcada mais duramente pelos países periféricos. As partes deste artigo se articulam em torno dos mecanismos que levaram à implantação do um fascismo ultraneoliberal que cria as condições para reconduzir o Brasil e a regiãosul-americana à condição de dependência e de colônia dos Estados Unidos dedicados a dissolver a constituição de países soberanos e a implementar um velado Estado de exceção. Finaliza-se o texto apontando novos caminhos para as forças populares e as organizações sociais reagirem e lutarem pela democracia e a construção de um novo projeto de sociedade. Recebido em 16 de junho de 2019Aprovado em 05 de julho de 2019Editado em 10 de setembro de 201

    Comparing Transformer-based NER approaches for analysing textual medical diagnoses

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    The automated analysis of medical documents has grown in research interest in recent years as a consequence of the social relevance of the thematic and the difficulties often encountered with short and very specific documents. In particular, this fervent area of research has stimulated the development of several techniques of automatic document classification, question answering, and name entity recognition (NER). Nevertheless, many open issues must be addressed to obtain results that are satisfactory for a field in which the effectiveness of predictions is a fundamental factor in order not to make mistakes that could compromise people’s lives. To this end, we focused on the name entity recognition task from medical documents and, in this work, we will discuss the results we obtained by our hybrid approach. In order to take advantage of the most relevant findings in the field of natural language processing, we decided to focus on deep neural network models. We compared several configurations of our model by varying the transformer architecture, such as BERT, RoBERTa and ELECTRA, until we obtained a configuration that we considered the best for our goals. The most promising model was used to participate in the SpRadIE task of the annual CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum). The obtained results are encouraging and can be of reference for future studies on the topic

    Thin wall geometrical quality improvement in micromilling

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    Micromilling is one of the most versatile tooling processes being able to effectively manufacture three-dimensional complex features on moulds and dies achieving a good accuracy performance. Typical and challenging features for these microcomponents are high aspect ratio thin walls but no systematic approaches, as the one presented in this paper, exist in literature dealing with the relationship between nominal workpiece characteristics/process parameters, cutting forces, and workpiece quality. The present study focuses on 0.4 % carbon steel (C40) thin wall micromilling and evaluates two approaches for the thin wall geometrical quality improvement: a direct approach (relating process parameters, material and nominal workpiece characteristics to the workpiece quality characteristics) and a force-based approach (relating the same quantities through the cutting forces determination). The force-based approach relates the process parameters to the workpiece quality introducing physical quantities as cutting forces, which are suitable for monitoring and controlling purposes. A suitable experimental campaign has been designed in order to statistically analyze the cutting force responses, and a proper technique (ANalysis of COVAriance) has been applied to remove the tool wear effect. The relationship between cutting forces and workpiece quality has been quantitatively studied; this way, the feasibility of a general approach able to meet tolerances by controlling forces has been demonstrated